This is a little late. But I have been a little sick. These are pics of Savanna's Birthday and birthday party.

SO the other day savanna dropped our camera and we thought it was broke but it was kinda hanging in there. So this picture is on her actual Birthday and Pirates Island. This is the only one I got cause right after that it broke and sorry for the close up that it all that it would take. So my husband was so nice and got me a new camera for Christmas. thanks babe

Savanna loves doing hair so my sister-in-law Crystal got her her own beauty parlor and she pretty much loves it so we were watching a movie one night and she decided she wanted to do Oaklee's hair.

Savanna opening her presents and she truly could not figure out how to do that so Kaluna helped her.

all the kids were dressed up like Princess's and we had one prince there (Kaluna) what a good sport. I wish I had a picture of the cake I spent 5 hours on but my camera was not being nice so Aisha has those so I will post those later.